Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Friends, curses are real! They are not just imaginations of man, no! They are real! They are practical! Curses are forces in the unseen realm; and they have power to bring evil to come to pass! Some people have died in hospitals for instance, because the doctors couldn’t locate what their problem was, until it was too late. The doctor will be busy treating one thing, whereas something else is eating up the man, until his life is snuffed out! That’s why in this book, Dr. David Oyedepo uncovers the sources of curses; so they can be adequately handled in time, before it’s too late. Curses are real, sir!
Look at Isaiah 42:22: But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore. There are many destinies like that today that are snared in holes - no fresh air at all! It’s a choking experience! Many destinies hid in prison houses! Therefore, try as they may, nothing seems to shine forth. But I assure you, in whatever way you have found yourself snared in holes and hidden in prison houses, the Lord is set to open your eyes, so you can walk into liberty once and for all. Something great is just at your door. That’s why God is removing every barrier between you and the fulfillment of your destiny. In this book, Papa introduces you to ways you work with God for every curses to be destroyed in your life. God is more than enough. It is very important for us to be familiar with the ways of God. Many are so conversant with the promises, very few understand His ways. The ways of God are the highways of life; this end-time, we’ll be celebrating the discovery of the ways of God in this book. Get a copies for yourself and friends. God said: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways... Isaiah 55:8 When things are not working, stop looking out for the devil. Look inwards first - Consider your ways , says the Word in Haggai 1:5. Jesus said in John 10:10: ...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Anything different from that is contrary to His mission. Whatever is less than life more abundantly in your life, God will deal with it now. However, that will begin with you first locating the source of your troubles. In Psalm 107:17 and 20, we read: Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. God sent His Word, and inside that Word, they found the answer; they knew the source of their trouble and then they dealt with it accordingly, and entered into their freedom! Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30 I see you enter into your desired haven today! Papa once said, by the Holy Spirit, There is no mountain anywhere; every man’s ignorance is his mountain. That’s what God is saying in Hosea 4:6: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge... They are not destroyed for plenty of witches or wizards, they are not destroyed because the economy is bad, no! Your business is not down because the city where you’re located is hard. If it is, why is the man next to you doing so well? Is he not in the same city? God bared His heart to us in 3 John:2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. So you see, the fault can’t be God’s. We must acknowledge our wrong, in order to get things right. As the Word of God comes to you in this book, may you discover where you are missing it, so you can enter into your haven of rest! Your hour of deliverance has come! Every area where you’ve been suffering the effect of curses will be adequately handled by the time you’re through reading this book. This is your season of refreshing! Curses are real! You’d better make no mistake about that. I can say that this best seller from Dr David Oyedepo is your access to the details of Scriptures that determines your level of accomplishment in life. In this book, God is going to be teaching you the things which you see not, and showing you things you never knew. When these things come to light, you will be free indeed. You know the little foxes? They are the ones that spoil the vine (Songs of Solomon 2:15). Friend, curses are real! You need to organise freedom from the curses of life for yourself. The only curse dealt with on the cross is the curse of the law. But there are several other curses, and it is your responsibility to programme your freedom from them all. God has already given you that power to free yourself. It’s time for you to break into your season of refreshing. You’ve been choking enough; it’s time to enjoy fresh air! Be determined to make the opportunity of your contact with this book a season of thorough cleansing. If you escape being cleansed, you might die in regrets; so be sincere. You have to just come out and be plain. Listen to me: I believe that no matter the problem a man will have in this world, if he can be sincere with himself before the Lord for at least three hours, for a thorough diagnosis of the case and a heated desire for an answer, he will surely come out with a solution.
Bishop said there was a time mama was afflicted with a sickness while he was away in Canada. He said, “I sat up suddenly in the hotel room, and said to myself, I must get an answer to this now! I got to a point where I discovered that I had been waiting for her faith to secure her healing. But you know, her faith is not needed, my authority is what is required. That’s according to the mystery of Ephesians 5:23. So I got back home and said to her, You don’t need faith to be healed. Just as Christ is the Saviour of the Church (His body), so is the husband the saviour of his wife. I cursed the sickness and that was it! That affliction ended eternally!” Invest time in yourself! When the prodigal son came to himself, he returned home (Luke 15:11-32). You too need to sit down for a proper covenant diagnosis of whatever problem you’re facing. I would like you to look forward to doing rigorous exercises with the truths you will contact from this book. This is the opportunity for your long awaited refreshing. Grab it! God is opening the eyes of men; you won’t remain blind! No one gets saved until he agrees that he is a sinner. Even so, no one is free from a curse until he agrees that there is a curse. It is my prayer that your reading this book will be for you a time of discoveries and recoveries. It shall be for you a time of double encounters, in the precious name of Jesus! This day, every curse upon your life shall be broken! You have wrestled with shadows for too long! It’s time now to locate where the shoe is pinching you. Many are under curses, but they can’t tell the reason things are the way they are with them. This book is good news for you. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free John 8:32. And Proverbs 24:13-14 adds: My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste: So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off. You can see curses visibly written all over some people - a man will hold one hundred thousand naira cash now, and it dissolves as if it were one naira! And there are some that even if they earn twenty thousand naira per month, they still won’t have enough to eat! The business place is not paid for, house rent is not paid! Yet the man is working and money is coming in! Curses? Yes, that’s what it is! But this is your time of freedom! We are out to look at the root of matters, to know why things are the way they are with you. At the end of it, God will nail every handwriting that is against you to the cross, in Jesus mighty name! I’m so excited about what God is out to do in your life right now! I want you to pray this prayer: Lord, open my eyes now. I am tired of wrestling with shadows. I am tired of confronting invisible barriers. Open my eyes Lord! May God show you His face, and rescue you from every invisible pit; so you can cross over to the other side of rest, in Jesus mighty name!


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