Saturday, January 23, 2010


Competent, confidence and committed! Isn’t that the kind of person you enjoy meeting or reading about? It is the kind of person you can become, and the first step is a firm belief in yourself. You might ask whether you have enough reason to believe in your person. Well, we will see.

The world over, no one can be found who walks, talks or laughs the way you do. Researchers say that no two persons have the same genetic make-ups or sets of abilities. In other words, there will never be another you. Truthfully, there’s no one like you. You are simply special from God.

You are not only exceptional or unique but also have an amazing thinking faculty and capacity for creative thoughts and learning abilities. Nothing in nature, according to brain experts, compares with your person when its comes to complexity and capability. In actual fact, the responsibility you have to play in your life could be much greater than you think it is. Can you still be a failure despite the privilege of being endowed with so many abilities? Why should you think you are not good enough?
Never think you are not good enough. My belief is that in life, people will take very much at your reckoning. This means that your opinion about yourself matters a lot. If you see yourself as a special and powerful person, the world will see you that way.

Your mind controls the way you see yourself. It’s quite appalling to come to know how negatively our minds have been influenced from our cradle. Perhaps, people have told you before, you are not just good enough; you don’t have what it takes to succeed, or that you can’t go anywhere beyond where you are or that you can’t achieve your goals in life. Maybe, you have not succeeded yet, so you might begin to think to yourself, “Maybe, I am born to fail. Maybe this is how my life will end.” I strongly advice you to stop such negative thoughts! They can’t be true.

The fact that there is no one like you in the whole world and there is no limit to your capacity to learn and earn leads to a consistent conclusion: you are born to win.

Yet many of us think they can’t win because of their negative mental programming. And that’s the main reason behind their low level or competence or productivity. I am announcing to you that you can reprogram your life from now for success. I know your next question is “in what way”?

The dictionary says that when you brainwash someone you make them believe only what you want them to believe by continually telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them. So, in the same vein, you can on-purpose brainwash your inner mind into believing or accepting the fact that your probability to succeed is very high, in short it is 100%.
This is all about telling you on a daily basis, what you are, what you want to be, what you want to make out of your life and your dreams of life. You inner mind works with the things you constantly and emotionally tell it. Psychologists say that the subconscious mind is like the computer in that it blindly and infallibly executes the program you feed into it. Let yourself know you are a winner and a success, it will accept it to be true. Tell yourself, “I am special, I am powerful beyond measures. I have power because I am with God. I tell you, you will soon become what you repeatedly tell yourself.

Everyday, I tell myself that I am a number one writer anyway and I know I will get there – that the topmost part of my career. This alone fuels my motivation and makes me to determine to work harder each day. To the best of my knowledge, the result is always improvement.

The fact is that we can always improve. If, for example the next person is better than you in an area of life, it doesn’t mean you are inferior to him. What it means is that you have not learnt the skills that give him the upper hand before you. Funny enough, with time and practice, you can learn them even better.

The first step to making improvement is a desire to improve. The next thing is to turn your desires into a passion. Another good thing about it is that if you have a passion for something, practice becomes automatic. So the formulae for improvement is hard work + passion = proficiency. That is one formula for building confidence. Imagine yourself not as you or others think you are, but the way you want to be. Remember that you are greater than you think, and the earlier you know that you know above everyone else, the better for you. What I mean is that you have got to have faith in your natural abilities. Don’t give your mind the slightest chance to believe you are not good enough. If you do, your confidence will diminish.

Don’t allow crowd or peer pressure to cloud your vision. Make commitment your watchword. Always remember you are special and don’t place limitations on your potentials. You are simply special and unique.


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