A friend shared this with me and I’m passing it along because I found it
encouraging and a great description of what I feel many of us are
facing in our circumstances.
Aletha Hinthorn
God gave Abraham a startling command. “Take your promised son and offer him in sacrifice!”
During his three days’ journey to the place of sacrifice, Abram came
to the conviction that, if God required him to offer Isaac, He was also
able to raise him up from the dead.
So he bound Isaac with cords and laid him upon the altar. Just as
Abraham raised his knife to kill his son, an authoritative voice from
heaven said, “Do not lay a hand upon the boy.” Abraham looked and saw a
ram caught by its horns.
As a result of these events, Abraham called the name of that place
Jehovah Jireh “the Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:14). Jehovah Jireh is
not a personal name of God, but rather, the name of a place where God
appeared. Still, it is a name that we ascribe to God. The name means God
sees to everything beforehand. We never have a need that is not already
The key to discovering God to be our Jehovah Jireh is to give up our
Isaac, the thing that is dearest to us. It’s praying, “Lord, You know
what I want, and You love me better than I love myself. I choose Your
provision over my own.”
When we willingly give up our deepest desire, then, and only then,
can we discover that God’s provisions are always better than we could
For instance, God’s provisions always look ahead much further than we
can see. If we were allowed to design our blessings, we would ask for
blessings prematurely or for blessings too small. God often withholds
what we ask because He has higher plans for us that we can imagine.
He may lead us through what would seem to be unkind, unfair, and
totally unnecessary paths. Suddenly He brings us to a turn in the road,
where we’re allowed to see His beautiful plan and we glimpse a whole
cluster of answered prayers. We then can see that the long and perhaps
lonely way God led us was necessary so that He could provide far more
blessings than we would have thought to pray for.
I praise You Jehovah Jireh that all Your purposes toward every single You do for us, are the result infinite, eternal love.
“They that know thy name will put their trust in thee” (Psalm 9:10 KJV).
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