Wednesday, January 21, 2009


John 15: 1-7, John 1: 1


A vine is any plant having a flexible stem supported by creeping along a surface or by creeping a natural or artificial support.
The planting and care of a vineyard requires constant and intensive care. Isaiah 5: 1-2.
After the grapes (fruits) had set on the branches, the vines were pruned (Lev. 25: 4, Isaiah 8: 5; John 15: 1-2). This process produced stronger branches and a greater fruit yield.
The Bible frequently uses vine or vineyard as a symbol representing “His people” i.e. Israel. Ps. 80: 8 – 13; Isaiah 5: 1-7)
In John 15: 1 Jesus is “the True Vine” while the branches are the “believers” or the “followers” of Christ and God as the “gardener” or the “Vine dresser”.
In verse 2: There are two categories of branches, they are:
a) Fruitless branch; they are (believers) who no longer have the life in them that flows or comes from an enduring faith in Christ and love for Christ (including His teachings).
· They are those who turn back (Luke 9: 62) from following Christ after making a superficial commitment. They are those that are unproductive who will be separated from the Vine (Jesus) Matt. 3:10.

b) Fruitful Branch: They are those (believers) who have the life of Christ in them because of their enduring faith in and Love for Jesus Christ. They are true believers who by their living Union with Christ produce much fruit. It is this branches that the father prunes so that they will become much fruitful. Heb. 12:11. Fruitfulness is much more than winning souls Gal. 5: 22-23, Col. 1:6.
They are two types of pruned branches:

(a). Cutting off (b) Cutting back

a) Cutting off: branches that does not bear fruit are cut off (note that fruit bearing is not instantaneous as soon as we receive Jesus Christ into our life, but like a new plant, time is required for maturity and fruit bearing). Fruitless believers are not just cut off but because fruitlessness is alien to the nature of God but to prevent it from affecting other branches (believers).
b) Fruitful branches are cut back to promote growth. In other words, God disciplines us to strengthen our character and faith in Him as true sons.

Verse 3:

As believers we are cleansed and pruned by the word given to us (i.e. Christ and His teachings) John 1:1.

Verse 4 & 5

At salvation a believer receives eternal life and the power to remain in Christ. The believer must then accept that responsibility in salvation to remain in Christ.
Believers have Christ life, only as long as Christ life flows into them through their remaining in Christ. Fruit bearing is only possible as our source is in Him.

Remaining in Christ means:

i) Believing that Christ is God’s son 1st John 4:15
ii) Receiving Him as Saviour and Lord John 1:12
iii) Doing What the word says 1st John 3: 24
iv) Continue to believe the Goodness 1st John 2: 24.
v) Relating in love with the commitment of believers; Christ body John 15:12
Verse 6:

From this verse, it is very clear that Jesus did not believe in “Once in the vine, always in the vine”. As it is possible for true believers to ultimately abandon the faith and then thrown into everlasting hell fire. Our relationship is not based solely on a past decision or experience but rather a progressive one.

Verse 7:
The secret of an answered prayer is remaining in Christ. The more intimate that our life in Christ is, the more our prayers will be in line with the nature and word of Christ (which is also His will).


Many people try to be good and honest people who do what is right. But Jesus says that the only way to be truly good is to stay close to Him, like a branch attached to the branch. Apart from Christ our effort is unfaithful. Are you receiving the nourishment and life offered by Christ, the vine? If not you are missing a special gift he has for you to be fruitful and stay in His kingdom.

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